Hundreds of branches with peach blossoms from Cieza and information leaflets from the agrotourism project 'Experience Spain in Bloom' ( were distributed to passers-by in Puerta del Sol, the Royal Palace, Plaza Mayor and Plaza de España in Madrid on the occasion of FITUR. There was also a live performance by singer Alejandro Ortega, from the group Lucky Duckes, who composed the song 'Floración'.
The initiative will tour the country with different actions to promote the emerging tourism of flowering and the quality of the agri-food products of these rural areas: sunflowers, lavender, stone fruit, poppies, gorse, apple trees and citrus fruits.
The central squares of Madrid They were the place chosen to surprise passers-by with the beauty of the flowering of the different crops of Spain and with the quality of its agri-food products, the objective of agrotourism project 'Experience Spain in Bloom' (www.floracion.esHundreds of sticks with peach flowers from Cieza (Murcia) and information leaflets were distributed in the Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor, Royal Palace and Plaza de España in Madrid, the capital where the Madrid International Tourism Fair is being held this week.
The direct promotional action in Madrid's emblematic locations also included a live and acoustic performance by Alejandro Ortega, vocalist of the music group Lucky Duckes who composed the original song 'Floración', the soundtrack of the campaign 'Colors and Flavors of Spain Tour' which will tour the country with various initiatives that aim to highlight the work of the agricultural sector and the added value generated by the flowering of sunflowers, lavender, stone fruit, citrus fruits and apple trees as a tourist attraction for rural areas and the quality of these agri-food products.

Presentation at Fitur
Among the actions of the project 'Experience Spain in Bloom' that was announced at the International Tourism Fair in Madrid, the launch of the Club Spain in Bloom with the entities and companies that promote flowering tourism throughout the country, which already includes municipalities such as Cieza, Aitona and Calanda, tourism companies from the Jerte Valley, the Mancomunidad de la Comarca de las Sidra, IGP Pacharán Navarro or the Professional Association of Tourist Guides of Galicia; the creation of a quality brand, technological tools such as the mobile application of all the flowering periods, a Travelling Interpretation Centre of the Blooms of Spain or the portal to attract potential visitors.
Also, the next one March 7th The Region of Murcia will host the I International Forum on Flowering: Engine of Rural Development which will bring together different experts and agents working in the promotion of flowering tourism to present the latest trends and generate synergies. March 8th An Accessible Flowering Route will take place with groups of disabled people from all over Spain.
The project 'Experience Spain in Bloom' was selected by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism as one of the most innovative tourist experiences in the country with European funds from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Meetings with agencies
Agromarketing (, the company that leads the agrotourism project 'Experiencia España en Floración', took advantage of FITUR to meet with the heads of entities that have already joined the Club España en Floración such as Cieza, Calanda, Garganta de los Infiernos, Mancomunidad de la Comarca de la Sidra and Aitona, which were awarded the 'España en Floración' quality label. It also held more than 20 meetings with different entities interested in joining the initiative and who wanted to learn about the project's actions and objectives first-hand.
It was also an opportunity to present the project to national and foreign travel agencies and tour operators who were interested in offering groups of travelers the experience of getting to know Spain through the flowering of the country's different crops using the platform.